Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Founder of Sahaja Yoga

Shri Mataji was born in Maharashtra, India, on March 21, 1923. Even as a child She showed such wisdom that Mahatma Gandhi asked Shri Mataji to stay in his ashram and advise him about spiritual matters.

She has often said that spiritual freedom is difficult without political freedom. As part of the movement to rid India of British colonial rule, Shri Mataji worked tirelessly and heroically.

Finally, her dream and the dream of her generation was realized the day the Union Jack came down and the Indian flag was raised in 1947.

After raising two daughters, Shri Mataji began to devote Her time fully to the spiritual emancipation of humanity.

She created a method, called Sahaja Yoga, which awakens in us the power to become enlightened and to give enlightenment to others. Since 1970 she has visited many countries to give people around the world the experience of self-realization. Today Sahaja Yoga has spread to over 90 countries.

Shri Mataji insists that no money can be charged for divine work. She believes global freedom, peace and righteousness is the destiny of humanity.

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