Inside every human being there is a network of nerves and sensory organs that
interprets the outside physical world.
At the same time, within us resides a subtle system of channels (nadis)
and centers of energy (chakras) which look after our physical,
intellectual, emotional and spiritual being.
Each of the seven chakras has several spiritual qualities. These qualities
are intact within us, and even though they might not always be manifest,
they can never be destroyed.
When the Kundalini is awakened, these qualities start manifesting
spontaneously and express themselves in our life.
Thus, through regular meditation, we become automatically very dynamic,
creative, confident and at the same time very humble, loving and compassionate.
It is a process which starts to develop by itself when the Kundalini rises
and starts to nourish our chakras.
Mooladhara Chakra
The first chakra is situated below the sacrum bone in which
resides the Kundalini, and its main aspect is the innocence.
Innocence is the quality by which we experience pure, childlike joy, without
the limitations of prejudice or conditionings. Innocence gives us dignity,
balance, and a tremendous sense of direction and purpose in life.
It is nothing but simplicity, purity and joy.
It is the inner wisdom that is ever present in the little children, and
gets sometimes clouded by our modern lifestyles. But it is a quality
which exists eternally within us and cannot be destroyed,
waiting to be manifest as pure joy when the Kundalini rises.
Swadishthan Chakra
The second chakra is the chakra of creativity, pure
attention and pure knowledge. It is the one which connects us to the inner
source of inspiration, and enables us to experience the beauty
around us.
The pure knowledge given by this chakra is not mental, but it
is direct perception of the Reality, that can be felt in our palms
and indicates our subtle blockages. Also this is the center of pure,
steady attention and power of concentration.
On the physical level it looks after our liver, kidneys, and the lower abdomen. When we think too
much, this center gets drained of energy and diseases like diabetes
or blood cancer can occur when this chakra goes completely out of balance.
Nabhi Chakra
The third chakra is the one that gives us the sense of generosity,
complete satisfaction and contentment.
On the left side, the main quality of this center is peace -
clearing this chakra can relieve stress and tensions.
On the right side, it looks after our liver which is the organ of our attention
and power of concentration.
When enlightened by the Kundalini, the Nabhi chakra gives us
our spiritual ascent, righteousness and inner sense of morality, and
complete balance at all levels in our life.
The Void
Surrounding the second and the third chakra is the Void which stands for the
principle of mastery (guru principle) within us.
In many spiritual traditions, this area is the "ocean of illusions" that needs to be crossed with the
help of a spiritual guide. When the Kundalini is awakened and passes through
the Void, this principle of mastery is established within us.
Thus, as Shri Mataji says, in Sahaja Yoga you become your own guru, your own spiritual
guide since you can feel on your fingertips all your subtle problems
and have the power to cure them using your own Kundalini.
Moreover, establishing this center helps us get rid of all our habits, laziness,
gross attachments, and everything that enslaves us in a way or another:
we become our own master.
Following false "gurus" who are more interested
in power tricks or your purse can damage very much the Void area. But
after Self Realization, everything can be cured through the purifying
power of the Kundalini in meditation.
The Heart Chakra or Anahat Chakra
The fourth chakra, the chakra of the heart, is the place where resides
our Spirit, our true Self, which is eternally pure and unaffected by
anything, like a shining diamond hidden within us which witnesses all
our actions.
After Self Realization, our attention becomes for the first time connected to
our Spirit and we gradually become aware of it.
Our misidentifications with our ego or conditionings drop and we
start becoming identified with our Spirit, which is our true nature.
On the physical level, this chakra looks after our heart and lungs -
if affected it can cause asthma or various heart conditions.
It is from our heart that the compassion and love manifests, and also the heart chakra is the one
that gives us the sense of responsibility and pure behaviour towards others.
The heart chakra manifests in the center (at the
level of the sternum bone) as complete security and confidence.
All our worries, doubts and fears are destroyed when the heart chakra is fully
enlightened by the Kundalini.
Vishuddhi Chakra
The fifth chakra is the chakra of diplomacy, of pure relationships with others,
and of playful detachment.
It removes all our guilts and remorses when it is opened by the Kundalini,
and gives us a kind and compassionate voice. The tendencies to dominate
others or to feel dominated by others, the feelings of superiority or
inferiority and all jealousies are removed when this chakra is nourished
by the Kundalini.
Also, the Vishuddhi is the chakra which gives us the
connection with the whole, enabling us to feel our oneness and the fact
that we are all part and parcel of the whole.
The Agnya Chakra
The sixth chakra is the chakra of forgiveness and compassion.
Forgiveness is the power to let go of anger, hatred and resentment and to
discover, in humility, the nobility and generosity of the Spirit.
It is the one that dissolves all our ego, conditionings, habits, false ideas
of racialism, and all our misidentifications. It is the narrow gate which
opens the way for our consciousness to ascend to its final destination,
which is the seventh center.
Roving eyes, watching impure things, or self-centeredness damage this
chakra. Watching the sky, earth or nature can help cleanse it.
The Sahasrara Chakra
The seventh center integrates all the chakras with their respective qualities.
It is the last milestone of the evolution of human awareness.
Nowadays, we are at a level which corresponds to this chakra, and our
consciousness is able to easily enter into this new realm of perception,
which is beyond our limited mind and concepts, and which becomes absolute
at the level of the Sahasrara.
This chakra gives us the direct, absolute perception of Reality on our
central nervous system.
This is precisely what is achieved by Self Realization, through
the spontaneous awakening of the Kundalini given by Sahaja Yoga.
A word about the three channels of energy. The left channel (blue) corresponds
to our past, emotions, desires, affectivity. Its termination is the superego,
which is the storehouse of all our memories, habits and conditionings.
The right channel (yellow) corresponds to our actions and planning, to
our physical and mental activity. Its termination is the ego, which gives us the idea
of I-ness, the sense that we are separate from the world.
The central channel is the channel of ascent, it is the power which sustains our
evolution and guides us, consciously or unconsciously, towards the higher
awareness of the Sahasrara (seventh chakra).
The workings of Self Realization and subtle aspects of the chakras and channels
are too extensive to be explained here. They are part of a knowledge which
is not only to be studied at the mental level, but to be experienced directly.
This new level of consciousness can be achieved after Self Realization,
through the regular practice of Sahaja Yoga meditation techniques that
are taught, always free of charge, in over 75 countries around the world.
Go to our Worldwide Contacts List
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