The World Council for Advancement of Sahaja Yoga

The World Council for Advancement of Sahaja Yoga


In December, 2003, before She left America, Shri Mataji created The World Council for the Advancement of Sahaja Yoga. The purpose of this body is to stimulate the further growth of Sahaja Yoga and to provide support to the efforts of all the national collectives.

The World Council for the Advancement of Sahaja Yoga is composed of 34 members designated as world leaders. Advisors of the Council for financial, legal and communications affairs have also been identified. The Council is expected to meet twice a year.

The announcement from Shri Mataji reads as follows:

"The world is in turmoil today. People everywhere are anxious about the future. What they need is the soothing, uniting, elevating spiritual message of Sahaja Yoga. They have to be enabled to experience "Self Realization" and thereby attain inner transformation. Only then will they begin to regard all human beings as members of one global family regardless of their race, culture etc. Only then will they discard hatred and violence.... Sahaja Yogis have a momentous responsibility at this crucial time in human history. They have to spread Sahaja Yoga in all the parts of the world by written and spoken word.... For this purpose, a well thought out approach is required."


Chairperson: Shri Mataji Nirmal Devi

Members ( All designated as World Leaders):

  1. Rajesh Shah
  2. Gregoire de Kalbermatten
  3. David Spiro
  4. Vijay Nalgirkar
  5. Manoj Kumar
  6. Eduardo Marino
  7. Wolfgang Hackl
  8. Majid Golpour
  9. Phillip Zeiss
  10. Derek Lee
  11. Arneau de Kalbermatten
  12. Nese Algan
  13. Ivan Tan
  14. Karan Khurana
  15. Alex Henshaw
  16. Aldo Gandolfi
  17. Rajiv Kumar
  18. Brian Wells
  19. David Dunphy
  20. Zafar Rashid
  21. Bohdan Shehovich
  22. Gagan Ahluwalia
  23. Paul Ellis
  24. Alan Wherry
  25. Alan Pereira
  26. Sandeep Gadkary
  27. Mihaela Balasescu
  28. Viktor Bondar
  29. Dmitry Korotaev
  30. Alexander Solodyankin
  31. Chris Kyriacou

Advisors to the Council:

  1. Gagan Ahluwalia: Financial, Accounting and Property matters
  2. Paul Ellis: Legal Affairs
  3. Alan Wherry : Publication Issues
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