Enlightened Music

Music is a divine vehicle that can take us to a higher state.
But not any music - music itself must be in tune with Spirit,
in other words to emit divine vibrations.
Indian classical music, which is based on the primal sound OM, emits such vibrations,
and also many of the works written by the great Western classical music
composers. Many of the titans who are considered geniuses in music
were born realized souls (Mozart, Bach, Vivaldi, to cite a few).
How can we know which music is "in tune with the Divine" and which one isn't ?
After Self Realization, you can hold your palms out towards the music you
are listening to, or even towards the CD or tape, and if you feel vibrations
(coolness), then that music is in tune with your Spirit and with the Divine.
If you feel heat or tingling, then it is lacking in those qualities (of course,
there can be many shades in between, but once your Self Realization is
established, your hands will tell you).
Nevertheless, music doesn't have to be classical to have that divine
coefficient. Some of the modern composers of pop and even rock music
are born realized (though only a few, compared to their vast
majority). There are many Sahaja Yogis (people who practice Sahaja Yoga
meditation on a regular basis) who have discovered a new dimension
of their talent in music, as well as renowned artists who have
achieved great heights through their Self Realization.
The IPO, an international music group of professional Sahaja Yogi
musicians from around the world dedicated to music that is
enlightening and nourishing for the Spirit, is on its way
to releasing the third album.
The Shri P. K. Salve Kala Pratishthan is a
unique place in India where music and
enlightenment combine to produce harmonies that uplift the spirit.
Click on the image to the right to find out more and also read
reviews and order information about the CDs produced by the Academy,
an inspiring blend of the music of the East and West, imbibed with the
divine vibrations of the Kundalini.
Music and Sahaja Yoga is
both a complete manual on Indian Classical
Music and the result of a intensive study on how this music interacts
with our subtle system.
It was written by Mr. Arun Apte, a professional
vocalist, who is now exploring the healing virtues of Indian Classical
Music. |