Sahaja Yoga is different from the other types of Yoga because it begins
with Self Realization instead of this being the unobtainable dream of a
distant goal.
Traditionally, a guru used to have only a handful of disciples and look
after their growth for a lifetime, guiding their inner cleansing day by day.
Few souls were able to achieve Self Realization after many years of
passing through various stages (yama, niyama, breathing techniques, postures,
etc.). For those few souls, it was like trying to cleanse a completely
obscure room without having any light.
In these modern times - that Shri Mataji calls as the
Blossom Times because of the state achieved by human
consciousness collectively - she has devised a method by which this
happening (Self Realization) is achieved spontaneously
(Sahaja), without any effort. A little light is then lit within us (a new
dimension becomes available to our awareness) and through Sahaja Yoga
meditation we can then grow much faster, without having to go through any
penances, while living normal lives amidst our own families and societies.
This is because, in the light of the new awareness, we become our own gurus,
our own guides. After Self Realization, we are able to feel a gentle cool
breeze flowing above the head and also from the center of our palms. We can
feel on our fingertips any blockages in our energetic centers and are able
to clear them using this energy which has been awakened in us (Kundalini).
Moreover, we become collectively conscious, i.e. we can feel others'
centers and cure them as well. The fact that we are all part and parcel of
the Whole becomes a tangible reality in our day to day life.
Becoming one with the pure Spirit in us is the ultimate
goal of human life described in various terms in all religions and
spiritual traditions of the world. Self Realization is the first step:
once this connection is initially established, it needs to be nourished with
our attention and regular meditation, enabling us to find out why we
are here and to ultimately fulfill the destiny of our life.
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