Art, Music And Poetry
  Theatre Of Eternal ValuesTheatre

Theatre of Eternal Values (TEV) is a bold and unique experiment in international theatre. TEV was established by H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi in 1996. She founded TEV on the principle that it is possible for theatre to be a spiritually trans-formative experience for both audience and performer.

Since its inception, TEV has been a truly international theatre company. A testament to this is the group's membership which is currently from more than seventeen countries. This international cast has chosen to focus on creative interpretations of classic western theatre, producing such plays as Hamlet, The Imaginary Invalid, The Magic Flute, and Faust.

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Enlightened MusicMusic

How can we know which music is "in tune with the Divine" and which one isn't?

After Self Realization, you can hold your palms out towards the music you are listening to, or even towards the CD or tape, and if you feel vibrations (coolness), then that music is in tune with your Spirit and with the Divine.

If you feel heat or tingling, then it is lacking in those qualities (of course, there can be many shades in between, but once your Self Realization is established, your hands will tell you).

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Some timeless poetry of yesterday and today, to describe beautifully in words what defies description.

In this section, you can read poetry written by Sahaja Yogis, who have been inspired by the state of thoughtless awareness and deep joy, which is the result of the marvellous experience of Self-Realisation.

This is possible en masse today thanks to Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.

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