Because the Kundalini is so subtle, it cannot normally be
seen with the naked eye. But there are photographs which have captured the vibrations,
appearing as lights of different colors coming from Shri Mataji or out of the fontanelle
bone area of Sahaja Yogis (persons who practice Sahaja Yoga).
Out of at least hundreds of such photographs taken on many occasions around the
world, a few are shown below:
These are all manifestations of the All Pervading Power of
Divine Love which does all living work and which is reflected in us as Kundalini. As Shri Mataji
Nirmala Devi says, "All work is done by Nature. You cannot even sprout a seed into a flower.
Nature does all the living work. Man only does dead work."
After Self Realization, we become connected with this All Pervading Power which we can feel
as a cool breeze in our palms (click here
to receive your Self Realization through a short meditation in front of your screen). Through specific
techniques of Sahaja Yoga meditation, we learn how to use it for the benefit of the individual
(by directing it to our chakras) and the society as a whole.
For more free information on the practical aspects of how to use this energy,
please contact the center nearest you (see the worldwide list of
local contacts).